December 2-3, 2024
U13 (Gr. 7/8) – 12-12-12
Junior Boys – 10-15-15
Senior Boys – 15-15-15 with a flood at 2nd intermission
Pre-game warmup will be three-minutes run-time during all games of the tournament. Teams must provide their own pucks.
Preliminary Games: There will be no overtime in a preliminary game. Games ending in a tie will be recorded as a tie game.
Playoff Games: If there is a tie game at the end of regulation time during playoff games, the following overtime rules will apply:
1 x 3-minute stop-time sudden death period played 3-on-3 + goalie;
If tie remains, a shootout will be used with 3 players from each team. Should it still be tied after 3 shooters, sudden death shootout until there is a winner. All players must on the bench must shoot prior to a player shooting for a second time. Shooters of both teams will shoot at the same time from the Center Line.
During overtime, a team will never play fewer than 3 skaters and will add an additional player (i.e. 4 on the ice) until the penalized player of the opposite team returns to the ice. At the next stoppage, teams will return to 3-on-3.
Mercy Rule:
If a difference of five goals or more exists at any time during the third period of preliminary round games or playoff games, the clock will become running time;
The time will stop again should the lead be reduced to a 3-goal margin.
One 30-second timeout per team per game will be permitted in the playoff round only.
Game Ejection: dismissed from that game only and reviewed by tournament committee
Game Misconduct: reviewed by tournament committee and may be subject to additional discipline.
Fighting Penalty: anyone involved in Fighting ON or OFF the ice on premises will be ejected from the tournament.
Match penalties: suspended for the remainder of the tournament.
All misconducts shall be reviewed by the tournament committee.
Hockey Canada’s faceoff rule will apply for the first faceoff after a penalty
Body Checking
No body checking in the Gr 7/8 and Junior Boys Divisions
Body checking is permitted in the Senior Boys Division
The point system for teams ranking in the standings will be as follows: 2 points for a WIN, 1 point for a TIE, & 0 point for a LOSS.
Regardless of the final score, a team will not be credited with more than a 5-goal difference.
Following are the tie breaking rules for determining Division standings and Wild Card Teams “in order” (once a tie breaking rule is used or not applicable, it will not be used again)
1. Most Points (2 points for a win, 1 point for a tie, 0 points for a loss)
2. Winner of head-to-head game (only if two teams are tied)
3. Goal Differential:
o Goals For ÷ (Goals For + Goals Against)
4. Fewest goals against
5. Fewest penalty minutes in all games played
6. The team that scored the earliest goal in their round robin game involving the tied teams
7. Coin flip (team from farthest away will call the flip, winner of flip gets higher position)
Eligibility and Rosters
The roster must include a unique jersey number for each player.
Teams must provide a final official game roster to the tournament director prior to the start of the FIRST game with no additions being allowed from then on. The exception to this rule is that injured, sick, or unavailable goalies may be replaced with the assistance/approval of tournament organizers.
All eligible players must be entered on the first game score sheet (max 20 players including goalies).
Every team must dress a minimum of 6 players and 1 goaltender.
A ten-minute delay will be permitted to dress a second goaltender in the event the regular goaltender is injured, and the does not have a second goalie dressed.
A player can only play for one team in one specific division during this tournament. Failure to do so will disqualify said player.
The team’s manager/coach must check-in 30-40 min with the tournament office before each game.
Should a major delay occur (i.e. “act of god”, power failure, major injury, etc.), after ½ hour the game will be called, and the current score will be recorded, regardless of time remaining in game.
The ice will be resurfaced at the 2nd intermission and after every game unless otherwise directed by the tournament director.
Games will start on time, not early unless agreed upon by teams and tournament director. A team that does not present itself to a game will be subject to a disciplinary committee and possible expulsion from the tournament. A defaulted game result will be a 3 - 0 for the winning team and 0-5 result to the losing team.
All players must wear CSA approved equipment or US equivalent. We are not liable for any injury due to equipment that not meet CSA/US approved safety regulations/requirements.
Neck guards & Mouthguards: Players are required to wear all equipment as directed by their high school leagues.
The HOME team for playoff only will be the team with the highest ranking after the preliminary round and will decide which jersey color the team will wear.
Referees will abide by the current Hockey Canada Rulebook. No protests will be accepted regarding the judgement calls made by referees.
Teams will be responsible financially for any damage to dressing rooms. Each team should leave the dressing room within 25 min. after each game.
We strive to provide a great experience at our tournaments for all attendees. Team Officials are responsible for their actions and those of the parents and players. Aggressive or abusive behavior on the part of any player, team official, coaching staff or parent may result of your team being suspended for the balance of the tournament.
At all times, the tournament director reserves itself the final word on the interpretation of the rules and has the right to change or alter these rules without any prior notice to act in the best interests of the tournament.