- Boys U9 (2016 & younger)
- Boys U10 (2015)
- Boys U11 (2014)
- Boys U13 (2013)
· Teams must provide a final official game roster prior to the start of the FIRST game.
· Team may have a total of 12 skaters and 1 goalie
· Teams may not add players to the roster after the tournament has started unless approved by the tournament director
· A player can only play for one team during this tournament, except team with 2 rostered goalies. Failure to do so will disqualify said player.
· Each team will play 3 games
· Pre-game warm-ups will be two minutes continuous time.
· Each team should be present at the arena 20 minutes before the scheduled game time
· A team that does not present itself to a game may be subject to a disciplinary committee and expulsion from the tournament. A defaulted game will be recorded as 3-0 for the winning team and 0-5 result to the losing team.
· Each game will start with a face-off. This will be the only face-off.
· Whistles will result in loss of possession and give-up your zone (i.e. players must be on their side of the redline)
· Penalties will result in a penalty shot with all other players chasing from the opposite blueline. Chasers may leave once the player taking the penalty shot touches the puck
· The ice will be resurfaced after every other game unless approved by the Tournament Director
· All games will consist of 1 x 30-minute run-time period
· Timeouts are not allowed in the preliminary round
· Games may end in a tie and overtime will not be played
· All games will consist of 1 x 30-minute run-time period
- One 30-second timeout per team per game will be permitted only in playoffs
- If there is a tie game at the end of regulation during the playoff rounds, a sudden death shootout will take place (i.e. minimum one round) and will continue until a winner is declared. All players must shoot prior to being allowed to shoot a second time.
1. The point system for teams ranking in the standings will be as follow: 2 points for a WIN, 1 point for a TIE, & 0 point for a LOSS.
2. In the event of a tie between 2 or more teams, for a playoff seed after applying ranking criteria in Rule 3 the following criteria will apply through 1 to 9 listed below until 1 team and only 1 team is identified ahead of all other teams tied. That team has the next position in the standings while we repeat the whole process from step 1 with the remaining teams to determine the team's ranking in the standings:
2.1 Head-to-Head (head-to-head only used first if all teams tied have played each other)
2.2 Highest BR (GF÷(GF+GA))
2.3 Most games won
2.4 Least Goals Against (GA)
2.5 Most Goals For (GF)
2.6 Fastest goal between the teams concerned.
2.7 Best BR and if GA=0, that team will be ahead of everyone
2.8 Least penalty minutes during the tournament
2.9 Flip of a coin
No Protests allowed in this tournament. Tournament Director reserves the final word on the interpretation of the rules.