Jun 19, 2023 | CJ Madison | 1335 views
Join us in Florida for the Sunshine Cup!
Join us in Wesley Chapel, FL for the Sunshine Cup - July 9-15.
- Here is the tournament webpage
- We are bringing 9 teams!
- Boys
2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015/16
- Dates are July 9-15 (July 9 Pool Party, July 10
Practice, July 11-15 Games)
- Our teams are for AA/AAA calibre boys
Registration Fees:
- Player fee is $500 plus HST which includes Tournament
participation, Custom Jersey and socks to keep
and great coaches.
- Our player application is here https://relmsports.com/Forms/1833/
- Upon
acceptance, family will receive a payment link and hotel information for
Saddlebrook Resort (rates start at $119/night)
- Travel is the responsibility of each family